Who Is Uros B? Serbian Mass Shooting Suspect Arrested

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Uros B has been recognized as the Mladenovac, Serbia mass shooting suspect.  Special Task forces trapped the gunman who killed at least 8 people and wounded 13 others on Thursday night 4 May 2023.

The mishappening took place at 11 PM on Thursday 4 May 2023 in the village of Dubona in Mladenovac, the municipality south of the city of Belgrade.

As per public reporters, Uros B had an automatic weapon, and run away from the scene later, He is known as 21 years old adult.

Ce gars a tiré sur 8 personnes et en a blessé 13 en Serbie. Le pays a qualifié l’incident d'”attaque terroriste”.

Uros B., 21 ans, s’est disputé avec des amis dans la cour de l’école. Puis il a pris des armes dans la maison, est revenu et a ouvert le feu sur les coupables…/⬇️ pic.twitter.com/LXehRIRZGy

— ☭??Russie-infos?☭ (@RussieInfos) May 5, 2023

Netizens are eager to find out the circumstances surrounding Who is Uros B? So in this blog, you’ll read about Who is Uros B? Serbian Mass Shooting Suspect Arrested, Know About Him!

Who is Uros B? Serbian Mass Shooting Suspect Arrested, Know About Him!

Uros B has been recognized as the Mladenovac, Serbia mass shooting suspect. Serbian Special Forces trapped the gunman who killed 8 people and wounded 13 others.

Uros B was in a vehicle with 2 other people and got out before starting a fire with an automatic weapon in the village of Dubona, about 60 km (about 37 miles) southeast of Belgrade (Serbian capital).

He then run away from the place, before later opening fire in the villages of Sepsin and Mali Orasje. All 3 places are in the Mladenovac municipality of Serbia.

Uros B Arrested

Over 600 members of Serbian Special Forces were positioned to search for the suspect, with authorities’ choppers and thermal imaging cameras.

All special force units were busy, including a helicopter unit, an anti-terrorism unit, and police forces from Smederevo and Belgrade.

He was arrested on Friday morning near the central city of Kragujevac, which is located about 60 kilometers (37 miles) south of Mladenovac municipality.

Pictures shared by the Ministry showed the scene. The Ministry confirmed to CNN that they are treating this mishappening as an act of domestic terrorism.

That shooting left 8 children dead, along with a security guard, and 13 people wounded.

Frequently Asked Questions About Who is Uros B

Q.1 Who is Uros B?

Ans. Uros B has been recognized as the Mladenovac, Serbia mass shooting suspect.

Q.2 Who is Uros B’s Age?

Ans. Uros B is recognized as a 21-year-old man.

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